Berkshire East Mountain Resort is the only ski area in the world to generate 100% of their electricity from onsite renewable energy. In addition to their solar panels and wind turbine, the resort wanted to go one step further and make sure their lighting was as efficient as possible.
By contracting with EMC to complete over 500 LED exterior fixtures throughout the trails, base and lodge, and by utilizing advanced network controls to achieve greater savings, this customer is estimated to save over 900,000 kWh annually!
Berkshire East Mountain Resort’s sustainability efforts have reduced their carbon footprint in the following ways:
83 households
is the average number of houses that can now be powered from this project. The average U.S. household consumes 11,280 kWh annually.
64,618 fewer gallons of oil
need to be imported, reducing our dependence on foreign oil.
572 fewer tons of CO2
Carbon Dioxide is considered a greenhouse gas and is a major contributor to global warming.
11,332 fewer pounds of SO2
Sulfur Dioxide- some major health effects associated with this pollutant are: asthma, respiratory illness and aggravation of existing cardiovascular disease.
5,769 fewer pounds of Nox
Nitrogen Oxides are considered contributors to acid rain and ground level ozone (or smog).
388 fewer pounds of visible particulate