The Falmouth Public School System had EMC complete a lighting upgrade at the High School in spring of 2017. One of several lighting upgrades completed with EMC over many years.
The town of Falmouth was able to take advantage of Efficiency Maine’s Class Room Promotion where the incentives were enhanced by $10 and $25 per measure. At the end of the job Falmouth was awarded an incentive of around $43,000.00
Generating a 5.28 year simple payback with a 20% return on their investment.
On top of saving close to 41,141 kWh per year, Falmouth High School continues to help the environment by reducing the emissions of carbon dioxide by 28 tons, nitrogen dioxide by 253 pounds and sulfur dioxide by 498 pounds.

“I can’t remember when the first time was that we used EMC but it’s always been done on time and without any problem ever… Great people to work with.”
– Topper West