Granite State College has 8 locations throughout New Hampshire and offers online courses providing adult students with supportive, high quality and affordable education programs.
At the Administrative Headquarters in Concord, NH- Granite State College decided to focus on upgrading the interior of that facility. A large majority of the install included the replacement of standard T8 technology with DLC approved LED flat panel fixtures for uniformed lighting throughout. There was also the use of Energy Star approved LED lamps to replace existing compact fluorescent screw in lamps. A savings of over 76,434 kWh will be achieved.
As a Unitil customer, Granite State College was able to secure and benefit from a commercial/industrial customer incentive of approximately $37,000.00
With a 4.9 year simple payback Granite State College will receive a 20% return on their investment.
On top of these savings this customer was able to help the environment by reducing the output of nitrogen oxide by 471 pounds.